Sunday, July 20, 2008

Debt Service

One thing that I noticed and I'm sure you've noticed this too. Everyone who's ever written a book on how to get wealthy, from the Rich Dad, to Suze Orrman, has all touted the debt horn--get out of it!

Growing up, I saw that debt is a bad thing, and fortunately I never buried myself in credit card or other frivolous things. I am grateful for that; what little interest bearing debt I had in the form of a truck note, I was able to pay off by cutting my rent in half. I paid off early and saved over 200 dollars in interest payments.

However, debt is not necessarily bad. I've come to find that without credit (the ability to borrow money, debt/leverage, call the dragon what you will) wealth is not accessible.

Debt to avoid like a rhino in heat: Interest Bearing Consumer Debt. (Paying interest on that new 82" plasma TV for the bedroom?)

Good Debt: Deferred interest loans that can be paid off before interest kicks in.

Better Debt: Purchase something that will make money of it's own accord and at a higher rate.